Why a robust leadership framework is more important now than ever?

The Covid-19 pandemic has turned the global economy upside down and created significant disruption and challenges in our daily working lives.  This is why at h2h we believe that a clearly defined leadership framework is more important now than ever.

Managing Director Susan Binnersley and Lead Consultant Robbie Lightfoot collectively have over 30 years’ experience in coaching and facilitation on top of their rich and varied industry careers. They have a diverse skill set and a different approach and style when it comes to facilitation, but they definitely agree on one thing – the importance of having a robust leadership framework in your business.  In this blog they outline the key benefits and impact that this can deliver.

Robbie says, “It is crucial that the leadership impact of managers and colleagues is recognized at every level of an organization. Every day I see the effect individuals have on the workplace environment and the positive impact that a solutions-focused approach has on how people do their job, how they network and how they share their expertise.  Having leadership aligned at every level of the organisation, through a robust framework will allow your shared goals for the post-pandemic business environment to become a reality.”

So, what does it look like?

A good leadership framework is:

We asked Susan what her thoughts were on how the framework impacts the organization in real time. She said “There are multiple, tangible benefits of a well-crafted framework but some of the hi-lights include: efficient and effective strategy execution with clarity of actions at all levels; a common, authentic language and practice which is deployed successfully to execute powerful solutions; consistency in expectations for all managers which increases efficiency and, last but not least, a culture built on strengths and real teamwork. In fact, perhaps a better question is how damaging are consequences of an alternate hierarchical and excluding model? My guess is that you probably won’t want to find out.”

Covid-19 has been the greatest remote working experiment we have seen and has tested managers to the extreme. A robust leadership framework has always been important but ensuring that your leaders now have it as their handbook will help them to develop a high trust environment within your organisation  which in turn will help to drive the business forward.