Why a change at the top can improve your business performance? by Sarah Tiffany

July 20, 2023

Well-established leadership within any organization undoubtedly has many benefits including experience and expertise, consistency and organisational stability. However, if not well managed, it can also bring with it a degree of complacency, a stagnation of ideas and management techniques as well as posing some difficult questions around succession planning. Here are our thoughts on the key benefits that a change in leadership can bring when handled correctly:

Tapping into your creative potential one step at time by Caryn Douglas

July 17, 2023

How often have we heard someone say, “Oh, I’m not creative”, or even said it ourselves. There is a pervasive belief that creativity is a talent that some people are born with and other are not. Education systems don’t help here, offering few opportunities to practice creative thinking or even treating creativity as a developable skill in its own right.